Guillem Costa contribution
I am the lead coder of the team. My role in the project has been maintaining a good code workflow and structure. I also helped other contributors non familiarized with the code.
- Procedural map generation and all related stuff
- Map generation
- Annexed room
- Enemies/chest/portal spawn
- etc.
- Load tiled maps from tmx (annexed room and boss map)
- All boss implementation and related stuff (with Victor’s help in design and attack)
- Module Projectiles
- From player module:
- Basic states machine for keyboard and gamepad
- Attack, skill, dead, etc cases with no colliders
- Joystick player movement (with Victor Masó)
- Updated base code to STL containers
- Implemented transitions module and workflow
- SDL gamepad implementation (no KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyRepeat)
- Brofiler implementation
- Basic GUI system (super changed now) and fixed entities system errors
- Mini tasks as map save and load, some scene workflow stuff, bugs fixing, etc
- Project Wiki:
- General analysis