Víctor Masó contribution
I am the lead of the team. Overall my main role has been organizing the team and the workflow, make sure everything is delivered on time and resolve team conflicts. Aside from the lead role I’ve mainly worked on the artistic part of the project and a bit of programming:
- I’ve done the art related to the player Thrall. All animations (idle, walk, attack, death etc.).
- I’ve done along with Guillem the player movement and I’ve been in charge of the dash movement myself.
- I’ve done part of the tileset of the map.
- Some animations related to items and items effects.
- Art supervisor along with David.
- I’ve helped Guillem with the Boss design and attacks.
- I’ve been in charge of implementing the particle system.
- I’ve drawn and animated all the background in the main menu / settings.
- I’ve been in charge of some sound fx of the game.
- I’ve been in charge of the video module.
- I’ve been in charge of the web page.
Along with other members, I’ve also done playtesting, some design decisions and bug fixing.
Here’s some of my work in the art part of the project:
Background animation animation with particles in main menu:
Player animations:
Player dash